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China National auditions of the 44th worldskills competition in Shanghai



China National auditions of the 44th worldskills competition


                  China National auditions II of the 44th worldskills competition held in Shanghai on Aug 13.


Welding tournaments attract attention

The auditions is not only the rehearsal and training for Chinese competitor of Worldskills competition next year but also a competition of the tickets for the Worldskills competition next year. The welding tournament is the most unique project in all kinds of games.

1. Competition comprehensive benchmarking to the international standards


2. TIME welder as Game equipment


Welding competition area covers an area of 350 square meters which is closed so only professional referees and staff can enter. All welding machines for competition are provided by TIME. The welding machines are the whole digital MIG/MAG welding machine TDN 3500 and AC/DC square wave pulse TIG welding machine WSE-315(PNE30-315ADP).


In order to let the audience see the whole welding process more intuitive also promote the competition equipment, organizers specially set up an exhibition area for competition equipment outside the competition area. The exhibition covers an area of 200 square meters to show TIME welding equipment.



TIME booth

TIME shows: Welding robots, TD Series Digital welding machine, welding training simulator and welding materials in the display area.







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